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Anyone changed from PC to Mac?

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Have you considered a user's guide - Which do lots and they might have one for AppleMac's

or this might help get you started:

My first computer many years ago, sat in the corner of the room for a fortnight before I found the nerve to turn it on - in case I broke it   :fear2: :013:


--- Quote from: Jan D on November 04, 2015, 04:56:56 PM ---My OH bought an iMac - beautiful looking machine but he isn't keen at all - has had it for about 2 years now.

I have a laptop with Windows 8 - upgraded it to Windows 10 and it began running REALLY slowly - it's only 6 months old. Went back to Windows 8 and it's fine- no idea why  :huh:

--- End quote ---

I have a Sony Vaio laptop and desktop and Sony advised NOT to upgrade to Windows 10 as it's been tested and not compatible 'yet' with their hardware, so I'm sticking with Windows 8.1 for now until they give me the go ahead

Pass it to Annalise, she'll have it sussed in no time  ph34r :005:


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