Can’t remember what medication you said Benji was on but when Humphrey was on Gabapentin for a short while after his op he was so anxious and stressed, we had to take him off it and the change was immediate. Might be worth having a look at the listed possible side effects of the medication?
Humphrey is definately not as confident as he was before his surgery and I know Benji’s mobility is even more limited than Humphrey’s, so I think its quite possible that it could be related to the anxiety, Have you mentioned it to the vet?
I have tried lately to get back to a similar routine to what we had before the op and try to get him to learn something new, -even if its walking round a pole, or walking backwards or learning the name of a toy, anything just to give him a bit of confidence back. Not quite sure whether its for his or my benefit really
and its probably wishful thinking but if I can stop myself giving up on him (which I did start to do) and give us a goal to work towards, however insignificant and simple, it might just stop him giving up on himself. No idea if dogs think like that
but who knows? I‘ll try anything!:lol2:
As far as the greed is concerned, I think that‘s maybe just cocker (although it‘ll be interesting to hear what others think ) Humphrey‘s insatiable and is constantly on the look out for anything edible, I‘m anxious he doesn’t gain too much weight because of his back but its a constant battle of wills
Can’t offer any constructive advice I‘m afraid but just wanted to give the heads up, do hope someone else on here might be able to suggest something more helpful..
In the meantime, hugs to Benji. I‘ll be interested to hear how you /he gets on with the buggy.
Xx Jayne and Humph‘