Cocker Specific Discussion > Behaviour & Training

Walks are stressing me out!

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Yes , they can pull like a tractor!
I find that all dogs are different. But also WHERE you walk them makes a difference .  On a country lane , just grass verges, they think they are in a field, so they want to wander and sniff. That’s ok with me.
 On a pavement with traffic and people, mine instinctively  stay near me, they are scared.
In a park, on the lead,  they don’t like off lead dogs coming up to them because they cant run, so they won’t walk to heel.   
I find the best way is to walk briskly at a trotting dog speed, to keep them busy enough to not be distracted.  Keep in touch with their brains and talk to them. Eye contact every couple of minutes is excellent and is food reward. If they pull ahead, say their name brightly, and they look round, then say Come, and as soon as they they put a foot towards you say Good Boy, and get them happy for another treat.  A trainer taught me that .
My OH doesn’t connect with my dogs on walks, and wanders along in a dream,two being a pain.   With me , they are ok until other dogs approach, so I turn round and find more passing space drip feeed them treats till it’s all clear.

Are you taking him to training classes?   After a shaky start,  my cocker loved it and being cleverer than the other breeds was the superstar of the Tricks class. They love working their little brains for fun.
My big tip for any training  is eye contact . (Unless you have a foster guide dog, which means  it will fail it’s course).   And have fun!

Thanks everyone. We have been to training classes and things are heading in the right direction, but it's still a battle. I think I've discovered that taking him for walk before mealtimes is a big no-no. I think mid-morning are mid-afternoon seem to work best.

How many of you are using harnesses vs collars? I've not tried a harness yet because it seems like a faff, but I hear they can help. I wanted to persist with the slip lead until he was a better walker, but I'm open to trying anything which might make the whole thing more enjoyable.

I just use a collar and lead when I take both dogs out together.  Never used a harness.
Occasionally when I take them out on their own I may use a slip lead but prefer the collar and lead for both.
It can be tempting to try lots of different things as they all confess to work miracles but I am far too mean to spend money on trying new devices and the collar and lead work for me.
I have seen plenty of dogs in harnesses who still pull like trains  :005:

Dylan pulls like a train if on a collar and lead. I went to classes and finally got,him to,walk to heel, but as we live in the country he is mostly off lead, and very good at recall, so no worries there. But of course he forgets how to,walk,properly on the lead and collar. When I have to,walk him in a street I use a Walk your Dog with Love harness (videos on YouTube). The lead clip is at the front on the chest, so if he pulls forward it turns him round to face me, and he can't progress. Works like a dream. Much prefer it to a collar and lead as it is much kinder. He is a big lad, and could easily pull me over if he's on a collar and lead.

Our trainer suggests using both, - when the harness is on, they learn to walk properly and  when the collar is on, they‘re allowed to relax (or vice versa ) There is logic behind it and theoretically it isn’t a bad idea and  I did try it but I  found it very hard to be consistent, - perhaps for someone more disciplined than me  :005: it may well work.
I can’t say I’ve found a harness  is better or worse than a collar as far as pulling is concerned, but I just hated it when Humphrey’d pulled so hard on his collar he’d be gasping and I expected his eyes to pop at some point :lol2: so if we‘re in the town, which is where he tends to be over excited by all the smells etc, probably because its such a rare occurence, I use the harness.
Since his surgery last year though, he hasn’t got the power to really pull as most of the time he‘s hopping on three legs and I find myself wishing he still could :luv: :luv:


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