Author Topic: Warts  (Read 4893 times)

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Offline SAM -BOB

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« on: January 09, 2015, 05:45:14 PM »
Sam is well into his 11th year!  He has always had warts on his body, however just recently two warts on his back on top of his legs have got really huge looks like small warts are growing around them.  They dont bother him at all during the day but at night he is constantly nibbling around them as if they are itchy.  Just wondering if I can I put anything on them to stop them itching? The constant nibbling is driving me crazy so must be doing the same to poor Sam.  He's in really good health at the moment - anybody got any ideas?

Offline elaine.e

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Re: Warts
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 08:04:23 PM »
Are they sort of cauliflower looking? I'm trying to remember back to my first Cocker, Josh, the king of lumps and bumps in his old age! He had quite a few warts and ended up having a couple removed because they irritated him, so he nibbled or scratched at them and they kept becoming infected. I think one of them was like the ones you've described. It was still a wart, nothing sinister, but a different virus to the other ones.

I think I'd be inclined to take Sam to the vet. If the warts get big and become infected it can be difficult to clear the infection. At least that's what I found with Josh and that's why he had them removed.

Offline SAM -BOB

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Re: Warts
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 10:16:12 PM »
That's exactly what they look like sort of cauliflower I'll see how he goes over the next few nights only he's been so well at the mo don't really want to stress him out going to the vets if I can but obviously will if the irritation dosnt improve.  Is there anything I could out on them to ease?

Offline Ben's mum

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Re: Warts
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 11:44:45 PM »
Ben also well into 11th year has developed some of these this year. I took him to our vet to check they weren't anything nasty, as he was constantly licking them. She said they were age related and nothing to worry about. A few weeks go he had another spot he was licking constantly, it was driving us mad, and clearly was itchy for him as well, the vet put Ben on steroids for a week and sold us some very very expensive shampoo to stop the itching. The steroids did the trick and he has stopped bothering with the warts now.

Would like to say the shampoo was worth the money but we haven't used it yet as he stopped licking  :005:

I would get them checked out for peace of mind. The other thing we bought was a soft inflatable coller as she said the licking could be just habit. But we don't need to use that at the moment.

Offline SAM -BOB

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Re: Warts
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2015, 08:42:19 AM »
But reluctant to put Sam on steriods as he wasn't well at all when he was on them before, your right though probably need to get them checked out to make sure nothing sinister.

Offline honeysmun

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Re: Warts
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2015, 12:48:05 PM »
Sadly my poor Holly suffers from them, she has
been to the vets on 4 occasion to have them removed.
the last time she had 18 taken off  :o at the present time
she is covered in them,( makes grooming difficult, )two are very large
at the present time and they sometimes bleed
but I was told to just bath them.
If they get to bad she will have to go in again,
it's around £400 each time   :o  but as my vet says it's best to leave them
unless they cause a problem and are in a awkward place.
As Holly is now 14 I worry about putting her through being
they are rotten things  :huh:

Offline harvmeister

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Re: Warts
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2015, 10:21:42 PM »
I have a similar story Harvey is 11yrs old and he had 5 warts removed dec13 and 9 warts removed dec14. Like Holly Each time costing around £300 I only got them removed when they started to irritate him (as he started nibbling and licking and rubbing his head along the rug) otherwise the vet had said to just leave them. I had thought they were ticks at first as that's what they looked like!!!  :005:The vet had said that there is nothing that can stop this and something oldies are prone to. I have now noticed he has a blood type wart inside his mouth on the inner, upper lip but it doesn't seem to be bothering him. I too worry about him having surgery again.
Good luck hope it's nothing serious but ur best to get Sam checked out.
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Offline deano

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Re: Warts
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2015, 05:15:34 PM »
Louis is 10 and the past year he has started to get little warts and lumps, he had one lump cut out but it was benign and we have had him checked when we see anything new appearing but our vets says if we are worried always best to get them check but they tend to leave them unless they look nasty, apparently its normal as they get older

Offline PennyB

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Re: Warts
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2015, 02:34:14 PM »
Wilf has them, Ruby didn't  his unfortunately get lopped off accidentally at groomers particularly one of top of his head but then he knocks it lot - I may ask vet about that one but leave the others
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