Sorry to hear that Amy has cataracts.
I've experienced it with 2 of my Cockers. My first Cocker, Josh, was diagnosed with cataracts when he was 13. The vet I used was an ophthalmologist anyway, so I didn't need a specialist referral. His opinion, given Josh's age and heart problems and that the cataracts were slow growing, was that surgery could be done, but if Josh was his he wouldn't have the surgery done because it was likely that old age or illness would see Josh off before total blindness happened. I agreed, not least because Josh was coping well with losing his sight. As it happened, Josh lived until almost 17 and was virtually blind by then, but still plodding round without worrying too much.
William is 11 and was diagnosed with cataracts about 3 or 4 years ago. He has Dry Eye (not that that's linked to cataracts) and has 6 monthly check ups with an ophthalmologist. It was during one of those checks that she diagnosed cataracts in both eyes. I wouldn't have known because William wasn't showing any signs of having sight problems. They hadn't been present 6 months previously. At the next 2 check ups they had progressed but still not to the point (the ophthalmologist described it as ripening) to the stage that would be best for surgery. Then they stopped developing and haven't changed since.
I know they could still develop, and as long as William was healthy and fit I'd almost certainly opt for surgery for him. But I'm hoping they stay as they are. The ophthalmologist describes his eyesight as being like that of someone wearing very scratched sunglasses all the time! But it doesn't affect his activities and confidence. If you didn't know William well you wouldn't know he's partially sighted. I know because I sometimes see him sort of squinting at distant things when we're out walking, maybe a log or a cow or pony laying down that he can't see well enough to be sure what it is.
I'm sure you're doing the right thing by having Amy referred to a specialist. At least you'll then know all the possibilities and options. I hope you get some positive answers