Sending you a hug - I have only just seen this as I have been offline for awhile. We faced a similar situation as one of our girls had arthritis from quite a young age. We finally said goodbye a couple of years ago after her being on meds and special diet for most of her life. She was 11. For the last 2/3 years we used a dog trolley for her as we had an older dog who was still very active. Libby continued to eat (as she was a glutton
), but the vet was so supportive. We got to the point that she hardly walked and we were worried that she might really damage one of her legs over the winter. So we made the hard decision to let her go. She was such a big part of our lives, but we remember all the good times and madness that she brought into our lives. We also lost the older dog about month before making the decision.
Both girls will be in our hearts forever and at some point we will get another one, or 2, or three
Take care x