Author Topic: Dodgy Teeth!  (Read 690 times)

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Offline scooby's mum

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Dodgy Teeth!
« on: January 08, 2005, 10:31:43 PM »
2 weeks after collecting my puppy from the breeder she telephoned me to tell me that Scooby's 2 large bottom teeth were cutting into the roof of his mouth.  She told me to have them looked at by the vet and also he may need them out when his adult teeth came through.

I must admit I was a bit annoyed that she hadn't mentioned this to me earlier.  His adult teeth are now coming through (he's 5 months) and yesterday the vet said they did look like there is going to be a problem and to take him back in a couple of months time.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Love Joanne, Misty & Scooby


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Dodgy Teeth!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 01:27:49 PM »
Tilly had something wrong with her teeth which sounds the same.  Basically her lower adult canines grew through wonky, at an angle like this "/" , not straight up like this "I" which meant as they grew more and more one of them was sticking out a bit and the other was pushing into the roof of her mouth.
We went to the "normal" vets who said he would a) slice off the top of the teeth to make them shorter or B) remove them.  Then he said we could see a dental vet if we really wanted to.
Thank goodness we did - he was horrified when he heard that the vet had suggested either of those options.  The roots of the canines are a major part of the jaw bone so to remove those very definitely will weaken the lower jaw.  Slicing off the teeth to make them shorter was also not recommended as this left them potential to get infected, even if they were "packed and filled".
So, Tilly had this thing fitted in her mouth (under a general anaesthetic) sort of like a brace, for 6 weeks - and this made her teeth come back straight again - after 6 weeks the thing was removed, the teeth were straight, and then they were ever so slightly built up with filling material because they hadn't grown as long as they should have.....6 years later they are still fine, and the filling material is still intact, and she eats raw bones every day !  :D
I hope you understand my ramblings - basically I would highly recommend you see a dental specialist with your lad - we saw a guy at Stone Lion in Wimbledon, called Norman Johnston - he travels down from Scotland once a week.  Here is a link for dental specialists - hope everything works out ok.