Cocker Specific Discussion > Health


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Well done!! I remember how anxious you were, understandably but you‘ve obviously been doing a great job managing her diabetes. Thanks for the update, hope you and Willow continue to enjoy life together for a good while to come.  :bigarmhug:

Thank you for the update.  I am glad you and Willow are managing well, and that you are both doing so well.

Hi my Dusty was diabetic for five years when we lost her to something totally unrelated at age of 14.  Not sure if this is allowed but there is a Facebook page called ukdiabeticdogs which has heaps of helpful information in their files and everyone on there is in the same boat as you.  There always someone to chat to to or help if you have a problem, ie left the insulin out of the fridge all night will it be alright to is there anyone local cos I’ve dropped my bottle of insulin.  I actually couldn’t have coped without this Facebook page.  Hope this helps.

Many thanks for this I am sure someone will benefits from knowing this site is around on Facebook.

Do remember Bob was very concerned back in the early days. 

Willow spent the day in the vets last Thursday for the blood sugar U Curve which tuned out to be ok but there is a problem with her liver and worse still three lumps on her anal glands. One of them is quite large and I am very worried especially as I have read that the large one the vet referred to as a mass are often malignant and aggressive. The vet said that her age, ten years old, and with her diabetes it would be very dangerous to put her through an operation and I should consider just carrying on
and seeing how long she can go without too much pain. I am just broken and don't know what to do. The cost of an operation would be about £4500 and I will find the money somehow if that would be the right thing to do but I am not sure if it is. I can't expect anyone on here would want to advise me on this one but I just had to tell someone. Thank you, Bob                                                                                                                                           


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