Cocker Specific Discussion > Feeding

Barf Diet

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thanks ever so much i am slowley introducing him to it now and this morning i pulped all my veg and friut together. At the momment i feed him raw minced chicken with some yoghurt for his morning meal and then for his dinner i give him a raw chicken wing which i have to hold on to so he does chew it up and tear the meat off and then for his tea i give him a repeat of his breakfast. i havent gave him veg yet but going to soon to slowly introduce it to him, i hope im doing the right thing but already i have seen a change in him, he has stopped having the runs and his overall well being is great. For his clicker training treats i have found really small dried fish and they are great he loves them.

In my diet I include a bone in the morning after their run, usually beef brisket, lamb necks, chicken wings, marrow or chuck bone.
For their daily meals, every few days I put a heap of raw vegies such as carrot, pumpkin, celery, green beans, spinach, anything really, just no onion or potato, in the food processor and mush it all up. It has to be pulverised for the dog to absorb the goodies. I add a bit of fruit as well, apples, bananas, pears usually. I store that in a container in the fridge and mix a couple of heaped desertspoons of that mix with about 3 oz chicken or beef mince each day. Occasionally throw in a small tin of sardines in oil, an egg (shell and all) a couple of times a week, plain fat free yoghurt 2 dsp a week.
So it's different every day really. I also give supplements such as apple cider vinegar, and buy a prepared one from which contains the following goodies :)
--- Quote ---This is a natural food supplement recommended for all dogs and cats. It contains a blend of highly nutritious foods & supplements to help maintain optimum health. Contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements and fatty acids. 100% Australian made. Suitable for VEGETARIAN dogs also. Good nutrition is essential for disease prevention. Contains—Flax meal, rice bran, dolomite, kelp, spirulina, green barley powder, nettle, alfalfa, garlic, rosehips & blackstrap molasses.

--- End quote ---
Probably don't really need too much in the way of supplements if the diet is healthy and varied, but I like to cover all my bases, specially seeing my girl is a breeding bitch.

and then there's this link:

i have just hand fed his chicken wing as i dont think he has grasped chewing it up yet so i held onto it while he chewed it into small bits, i give him egg shells aswell and gave him a bit of my veggie, fruit pulp i made . I cant believe what a change it has made in him already i know he is a puppy and all pups are lively but he seems to have calmed down aswell and seems more content. I am so proud of him and love him to bits and im really enjoying doing his meals.

Ahh that's great news glad he's taking to his new diet  :)


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