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windows 8

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So my poor laptop died, I mourned its loss and eventually decided that a new laptop was needed. I toddled off to Argos and bought a lovely, shiny, purple Toshiba, brought it home, plugged it in, turned it on on and... Well, bluntly, I cannot use it! I've tried, honestly I have. In fact I've tried since August (on and off, perhaps half heartedly) but I have tried over the past 2 evenings, to print a document and I just can't. The swooshy in blue panel disappears before I can manage to move the cursor anywhere near the tiny, elusive 'print ' button. To say. I am frustrated is an oversight. Hurrrumpf. Moan done.

I have a Toshiba (Argos) and windows 8. my last one operated on Vista. I hated this new software, took me ages and quite abit of huffing. but cracked it in the end. still prefer vista but now used to W8.

Min, thanks for the reply. I think I've done a fair bit of huffing now so any minute now I'll have sussed it!

I don't know what my son did !!!!!   but I can use either  :luv:
It has sussed-out that I prefer the old Desk top & now it opens on that;   needless to say I use this most but do dip in-to windows 8 occasional.
Maybe if you haven't a "geek" in the family you could have it done at a computer shop.

Julie- I do indeed have a Geek! I shall ask them to fiddle! Many thanks.


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