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HMRC Phishing scam

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Phishing mails are pretty much a constant menace and some are very convincing, the simplest advice is if you receive any e-mail about an account issue for Facebook, Paypal, bank etc. never click the link in the e-mail and instead go to the address bar and type in the website address yourself.  If there is an account issue you'll be prompted about it when you log in but if the account is fine and the e-mail was fake there will be nothing.

Apparently the US Federal Reserve Bank has found $12m of mine that we had both (somehow) forgotten about. All I have to do is send them all my personal details and a copy of my passport. What could possibly go wrong!


--- Quote from: sodpot2000 on October 24, 2016, 01:02:15 PM ---Apparently the US Federal Reserve Bank has found $12m of mine that we had both (somehow) forgotten about. All I have to do is send them all my personal details and a copy of my passport. What could possibly go wrong!

--- End quote ---

 :005: :005: :005:

Exactly who do they believe is the STUPID one here ?


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