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New Owner of Show Type Cocker Spaniel

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Good morning All, I have joined as we have recently become proud owners of a Show Type Cocker. He is a blue roan and coming up to 15 weeks and loving life! He has a Golden Retriever big brother who is 6 years old. Can anyone give me an idea if his weight is on track please, as all the online advice varies so much! Shadow is 7.3kg and on Iams puppy. My partner thinks he looks a bit chunky. He gets at least one good walk/run across fields everyday and playtimes in the garden with Harvey. He tends to fall asleep at about 8.30 and wakes at 5.30 (bit of a killer!!)

Hi and welcome to you and Shadow!
To be honest, I didn‘t find the  weight charts etc a lot of help, cockers vary so much, we have some on here reporting theirs are 11 kilos end weight whereas others can be 16/17 so its difficult to judge without seeing the dog. I do remember however that I nearly drove myself and the rest of the family round the bend fretting over Humphrey’s weight as a puppy and it spoilt the joy of puppyhood to some degree. The term „puppy fat“  is literally that and they very often look very chubby at that age but take on a more slender look as they mature. A more reliable guide is to feel the body, you should be able to feel the ribs and when viewing the body from above, you should be able to see a waist, although even then, my dog didn‘t develop a figure, as such, until he was a bit older.
His routine sounds good so as long as he‘s healthy and doesn’t feel „fat“ and is not getting too many extra treats,   I wouldn‘t worry too much.


--- Quote from: bizzylizzy on July 24, 2020, 02:10:12 PM ---Hi and welcome to you and Shadow!
To be honest, I didn‘t find the  weight charts etc a lot of help, cockers vary so much, we have some on here reporting theirs are 11 kilos end weight whereas others can be 16/17 so its difficult to judge without seeing the dog. I do remember however that I nearly drove myself and the rest of the family round the bend fretting over Humphrey’s weight as a puppy and it spoilt the joy of puppyhood to some degree. The term „puppy fat“  is literally that and they very often look very chubby at that age but take on a more slender look as they mature. A more reliable guide is to feel the body, you should be able to feel the ribs and when viewing the body from above, you should be able to see a waist, although even then, my dog didn‘t develop a figure, as such, until he was a bit older.
His routine sounds good so as long as he‘s healthy and doesn’t feel „fat“ and is not getting too many extra treats,   I wouldn‘t worry too much.

Thank you!! You forget how exhausting being a new Mum is!! LOL. He is adorable!

--- End quote ---

Barry H:
Hi and welcome to the wacky world of cockers...

It's perfectly natural to worry about the little nutters but it can turn you into a stress bunny if you're not careful!  I'd forget about weight charts - why does it matter what he weighs?  Both puppies and charts will differ somewhat anyway.  The simple rule of thumb is if he looks fat (a bit tubby is OK) feed a bit less, if he's looking on the scrawny side feed a bit more. 

Good tip above from bizzylizzy - tempting to overdo it with the goodies so mind how you go...

...and don't forget to crack on with the training - look forward to hearing about his progress...

Sorry not up to date on the weight query....but wanted to welcome you and hope you enjoy your new bundle Shadow.....I think you will soon realize he is well named....they aren't called velcro cockers fow nothing.


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