Author Topic: Sofa Playground  (Read 452 times)

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Offline max2011

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Sofa Playground
« on: January 19, 2012, 12:47:43 PM »
More expert advice needed!!
I decided from the start that Max would be allowed on the sofas in our kitchen/family room as I thought it would be lovely to have cuddles in the evening and the wood floor can be cold to lie on. Problem is Max doesn't settle for a cuddle, he uses them as a playground - jumps up, onto the back, drops toy and jumps down. Or jumps from one to the other!! The only time he keeps still on them is if he has a chew and now I have decided they are getting rather messy from him eating on them. Luckily they are leather so can wipe clean!

He is now 7 months. I think I can train him not to eat on them. I have bought a bed and will clicker train him to lie on that with his chews. But I am not sure how to stop the playing and digging on them - is it too late? He is constantly jumping all over them and that is the room he spends all his time in. It has got to the point where we are worried he is going to knock us with a cup of tea and burn someone.

Please help...