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Jane S:
It depends on what you do - GIMP is great free software but is quite complex to use and get to grips with. Picasa is another free one - not so many functions as GIMP and much easier to use so you might find it good to start with:

I have been a fan of Corel Paintshop Pro for many years and through its various incarnations. By no means as expensive as the full blown Photoshop but still has lots of clever bells and whistles for some pretty imaginative photo manipulation. I think X7 is the current version. Serif is or used to have a free version and is quite straight forward to use.

Jane S:

--- Quote from: sodpot2000 on January 26, 2015, 12:08:23 PM ---I have been a fan of Corel Paintshop Pro for many years and through its various incarnations. By no means as expensive as the full blown Photoshop but still has lots of clever bells and whistles for some pretty imaginative photo manipulation. I think X7 is the current version. Serif is or used to have a free version and is quite straight forward to use.

--- End quote ---

Yes Paintshop Pro is very good too for the price - I used to use it a lot until I bought Lightroom which I now prefer to PPro and Photoshop

Hi.  I use Lightroom. Its still pricey and is a digital darkroom rather than doing the fancy stuff you do in photoshop ( i have that too but don't use it). I've heard Googles Picassa is pretty good and free.

OH uses gimp and Photoshop (freebie with my camera). He used to use a programme with was quite good (I'll have to ask him the name of it) but it had a 12 month free trial...


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