Cocker Specific Discussion > Grooming


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Oh Lesley poor you....hope you feel better soon.  Good boy Dylan for looking after Mum.

Jayne not sure if this helps but the thinning out scissors have a straight blade and one serrated blade. Or at least some do...the link Lesley have give from Wahl is great.

Think I am lucky with Harry...only had a tidy up at the groomers and she is an owner of 2 cockers one a blue roan.....never had a cocker like Harry three totally different textures of coat and boy do the white hairs shed.

Have fun....hugs to Humph

Thanks both,!! I‘ve emailed a company this morning who have got a large variety and asked them for advice so will see what they suggest.
I‘ve watched that video several times, both that one and the other Pro Groomer one are really good but its a bit like reading the gardening books on how to prune the roses, - mine never look that the ones demonstrated to start with!!  :lol2: :lol2: Humphrey‘s neck and back still boast a glossy „normal“ coat which is why I‘m reluctant to trim but legs and sides are typical castrated cocker  :shades:  But its nevertheless good to see the way she actually uses the scissors. 👍
We‘re training for a Dog Fitness demonstration at an open day at our dog club in July, so I‘m hoping to get him looking a bit presentable by then.  :005:
Hope you’re feeling better soon Lesley, glad to hear Dylan‘s taking care of you!  :luv: :luv:
Love to Harry and Dylan xxx  :luv:


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