Cocker Activities > Showing

What size cage


We are taking Holly to her first show and are going to get her a double door cage.

I'm stuck though because i don't know what size to get for her. What size do other COL members have for their cockers??


Jane S:
Depends on what sort of shows you will be going to Clare :) If you will eventually attend a few Champ Shows which are benched, space is very limited & bigger crates just won't fit on the bench. All our show crates are 24"L x 21"H x 18"W - these fit comfortably onto benches. If you are just going to be attending Open Shows, then size is not so much of an issue.                    

Thank you Jane.

We are off to the open show on the 20th and plan to do a few more to see how we do. If we do ok we might try some Champ shows - so i would need a cage which would fit the benches then!

I'm off shopping, thanks again and i may see you on the 20th!



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