Cocker Specific Discussion > Oldies (Over 9s)

Sad update Diesel

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Thinking of you both today  :bigarmhug:

Lesley and Dylan

Sending healing thoughts to Diesel

Liz F:
Thanks for all your support, will update when I get a clearer picture to what can be done for my boy if anything 😔

So sorry to hear this

Not mouth as such but Ruby had a tumour that began on her nose and grew into her mouth (towards end her teeth could hardly be seen but she could still eat as I changed all her food to wet). We decided not to even get a scan or referral as my vet said that even if its benign what could I do as it would entail removing part of her face so it made sense for us to just leave it. She lived for a year though but we made sure she was pain free (and occasionally antibiotics for mouth infections) and she lived every day as her best life.

So you have to ask yourself re quality of life. Surgery is often the best option but around the mouth its more difficult to remove some tumours (gum tumours are usually easy enough but if they affect the bone or structure of mouth its a difficult one). Sometimes treatment isn't always the best option and palliative care may be the best way forward if cure shortens their life even more and reduce the quality. This is something to speak to your vet about who has also got info from a specialist too

Liz F:
Thanks Penny, Diesel had the tumour removed (much as possible) 2 weeks ago.  I have said that removing part of jaw is not an option. Diesel has been referred to Liverpool now for a ct scan to establish if cancer has spread to bone.  It’s not in his lymph nodes or chest.
Options are dependant on scan, may be suitable for radiation if not palliative care will be the only option.  Scan is on 28th will update, positive thoughts and prayers please 🤗


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