Cocker Specific Discussion > Oldies (Over 9s)

Too soon

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I think you made the right decision.  I would have done the same.
It's just awful seeing them suffer. They can't tell us  how they feel and dogs are very stoical so we can't tell either.  The majority of owners will have to make this decision at some point and having done it twice I know how dreadful it is. Try  to remember the good times. Maybe, in the future another little cocker will come and steal your heart. Xx

Thank you all again for your kind comments. I really appreciate the support x

I'm so sorry you are feeling guilty but you did exactly the right thing for your boy. He was very poorly and struggling, you saved him from continuing with a stressful and difficult situation. You loved him so much and he loved you unreservedly trusting you to always look out for him and do the very best for him that you could including knowing when to ease his pain. It's never an easy decision to make but it's the kindest and most loving final gift you could give him.  :bigarmhug: Please don't beat yourself up for helping him in his journey  :bigarmhug: Many of us have been faced with the same decision and we understand your feelings, we really do.  :bigarmhug: Take care and be kind to yourself.


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