Cocker Specific Discussion > Oldies (Over 9s)

Too soon

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Ben's mum:
So very sorry to hear about your boy  :'(.
Please don't torment yourself with guilt over whether it was too soon or not, you made the decision out of love and for entirely the right reasons. There is never going to be a good day to say goodbye you just have to go with your instinct at the time, it sounds like he was a poorly boy and this way he got to spend his last moments with you  :luv:   :luv:

Thinking of you, I know just how hard it is xx

I can only endorse what everyone else has said. I think the feeling of guilt is a natural reaction for anyone who has ever had to make that awful final decision, its just proof of how much we love our dogs, not sure if its even guilt really but rather regret. Please please don’t beat yourself up, you did the kindest thing in the circumstances and trying to get him over the night wouldn‘t have made any difference to the final outcome, it would have probably just prolonged the stress for your boy. Once the initial shock and pain starts to subside you‘ll be able to look back and remember him with joy and gratitude. Be kind to yourself, you have nothing to feel guilty about, you did the kindest thing you could and I hope, that knowing that lots of us here understand what you‘re going through will help ease the pain a little.  :bigarmhug:

Thank you, the comments are helping and are so very kind.

He was my first ever dog and I loved him so much. I feel like I can’t grieve properly because I caused this to happen and therefore don’t deserve to be upset.

These comments and time will hopefully help.

I’ve obviously read about this subject but I really wasn’t prepared for feeling like this x

miss holly:
I also remember our lovely old vet who told me, years ago, 'better a week too early, than a day too late'.
I hope you start to heal soon x


--- Quote from: miss holly on December 22, 2019, 02:01:40 PM ---I also remember our lovely old vet who told me, years ago, 'better a week too early, than a day too late'.
I hope you start to heal soon x

--- End quote ---

Very wise words!


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