Cocker Specific Discussion > Oldies (Over 9s)

Millie has Vestibular syndrome

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Hope all is OK now but I had similar with Bosley my sprocker boy last week - an hour after a walk he threw up then began twitching. Am lucky in my vets nearby by and they saw me immediately - they weren't sure either as while they saw him twitching for themselves they couldn't determine immediately if it was vestibular, epilepsy or just a fit for whatever reason. She gave him a steroid injection and within 24 hours he was fine

The sod is determined to make me old before my time though as a week later and unrelated to the previous week he began pooing watery bloody diarrhoea and puking, which was pink and bloody - thankfully again my vets turned up trumps and a phone call in the morning for advice then at lunchtime I rang again as directed to see how he was so they decided to do a video call using zoom but she felt after that he needed to be seen at the surgery so off he went again where I let him go through door on his own this time while I sat on pavement outside - seems after much investigation he may have had that nasty bug that was going round at beginning of year


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