Cocker Specific Discussion > Grooming

Clipping Guide

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Show dogs aren't clippered at all.  ;)

You would use the clippers on the head, top and inside of the ears and body and then use scissors on the feathering. Does this answer your question?  :huh:

It does answer part of my question Michele, thanks for that! What i am actually asking is, is it is okay to use clippers on the whole of the dog, its not going to do any damage to her coat in some way? ph34r If not, why are show dog not clippered?

Thanks Cass :D

Once a coat is clippered there is generally no going back as it does affect the texture of the coat. This doesn't matter if you are happy to clip each and every time, but if you're hoping to achieve a more natural look then I'd think twice about going down the clippered route.  ;) :D

Have you heard of the Coat King usually a 20 or 26 blade is used for cockers.
If you put 'coat king' into the search facility on here you'll find lots of previous threads.

Thanks again Michele, Cassie is 3, has always gone to the groomers, coming from Qld in Australia it is quite hot......... >:D groomers have always clipped her quite short, which I was not terrible thrilled about, so I started doing her with just Coat King and thinning scissors.

 :embarassed: Now i'm going to have to do more, she has become a bit wooly,  her face and her legs needs doing need the clippers badly!  :D

Hi Michele...great pic of Ella and love the guide! Sorry if I'm being thick, but what does the size of the blade refer to?  Is it for clippers and if so which ones do you use?


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