Cocker Specific Discussion > Oldies (Over 9s)

Ben's mystery illness

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Sorry to hear about Ben. Could it be disc/ nerve related? One of my dogs has bulging discs and years ago the one in his neck manifested as extreme pain, but very intermittently. Similarly with the others further down. My vet was nonplused. Took an MRI to diagnose the problem.

My first thought would be spinal problems. Unfortunately an X-ray won't necessarily pick up all spinal issues and an MRI would would be needed to look in more detail. I would probably go down xray route first if he was my dog.
Hope this helps.

So sorry to hear of Ben's illness, hope things settle, had a westie who had spinal problems, he had a scan which showed a fragment splinter, he coped well for many years, but could not manage stairs well.

Sending :bigarmhug:


Just adding my good wishes for Ben, hope it is nothing too serious  :luv:

Liz F:
Hope Bens feeling better  :luv:


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