Cocker Specific Discussion > Oldies (Over 9s)

Wilf's platelets are dropping again *Sad Update*

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Wilf isn't well - his demeanour is OK but things like his breathing isn't brilliant and he's struggling to walk far.

Initially we thought his heart murmur may be needed tablets now but both my vet and I felt there was something else, so before she prescribed anything she checked his bloods but while their blood machine only spewed out 2 results it suggested his platelets were low. Another blood test was taken while I was there (he's such a good boy as he didn't mind at all) and were sent off - bloods back tomorrow

No signs of any infection at all so am hoping we've missed something and it is still just IMTP again - he had an episode 2 years ago - and not something else like lymphoma

So so fed up - I lost Ruby last year then Ollie my cat 2 days before Christmas, Wilf & Stella had gastro bug over christmas that needed vet treatment, Lady's hip is out, Stella has a fatty lump that my vet feels may need removing as its growing into the muscle and Bosley needed a cataract op last year even though he's only 2 - its not as if I need any more bad luck

True Wilf is 12 so getting older but so so sad at the prospect of losing him so soon (the treatment for the IMTP could also kill him but at least he has a better chance with that than lymphoma) - he's been my 'laughing boy' (he always looks as if he is anyway) for as long as I can remember

My vet put him on steroids tonight as I was worried last night he might collapse

Sorry to hear that Penny :bigarmhug:

I hope the steroids help Wilf to feel better until you find out for sure what's going on, and that when you get a full diagnosis it's a good one xx

Where's Stella's fatty lump? William, who's 11, had a golf ball sized one removed a few months ago. It was next to his penis and growing rapidly so I opted to have it removed before it started interfering with his waterworks and while the surgery was still straightforward. Quite a big wound and several stitches but it healed up really well.

Fingers crossed for Wilf, hope its nothing too serious and that the steroids will help. :bigarmhug:


--- Quote from: elaine.e on January 08, 2016, 07:52:26 AM ---Sorry to hear that Penny :bigarmhug:

I hope the steroids help Wilf to feel better until you find out for sure what's going on, and that when you get a full diagnosis it's a good one xx

Where's Stella's fatty lump? William, who's 11, had a golf ball sized one removed a few months ago. It was next to his penis and growing rapidly so I opted to have it removed before it started interfering with his waterworks and while the surgery was still straightforward. Quite a big wound and several stitches but it healed up really well.

--- End quote ---

Stella's is right above her elbow but my vet felt that it was growing in rather than out and she's worried it will merge with too much muscle - we're keeping an eye on it for now. We did remove one from Ruby years ago as hers was just below the base of her tail.

Its awful to see Wilf at the moment - he's slumped on the floor as he couldn't be bothered moving after he'd had a drink of water but at least he was eager to have some hills wet food earlier as he doesn't want to chew anything.

Last time he was peeing pure blood but we can't find any indicators (bleeding) at the moment.

While I don't really want to go to Bristol again with him am hoping they can give my vet a head start at least

8 Hairy Feet:
Oh Penny what an awful time you
are having at the moment :016:
I send loads of hugs for you and especially
hoping to read some better news :bigarmhug:


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