Cocker Specific Discussion > Behaviour & Training

Poor Cats!


Hi there,
Jake is now reaching about 4½ months old, and turning into a bit of a bully with our cats, Alfred won't stand his nonsense and batters him before he gets chance to get too close ;D, our other cat Fry, is and has been very patient with the little darling from the word go but now Jake is getting bigger he's too boisterous and has started pinning him down to have a good chew on poor Fry's Lug-holes >:(. Any tips on how to get jake to calm down & play more gently would be much appreciated (or will Fry just have to learn to live with it?)
Jenn and a very dog-eared & fed up Fry.                    

You need to train Jake that the cats are not fair game. When he's playing nicely with them - give him lots of gentle praise :). Nothing too excited or that will wind him up. When he starts to get a bit too much tell him no and take him away - just as you would if it was you or a child he was playing with. Look for the signs that hge's about to go OTT too and take him away. Puppies need to learn the limits - they don't know them instinctively.

When Jake was with his mum and siblings - his mum would have let him know when enough was enough and this is the role you have to take.

hth ;D                    

Thats pretty much the way we've been tackling it so far. Guess its going to take some time. I think I was looking for a miracle cure! Ah well will go break the news to the cats (they may well move out!)                    


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