Cocker Specific Discussion > Behaviour & Training

teaching ben to sit

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--- Quote ---the problem re going to the loo is that i am not always in garden with him when he goes. still at least he arrived house trained at eight weeks (thanks to nicki from kadreem).

--- End quote ---

Hiya Julie,

I would always stay with Benny in the garden at this age....young puppies are notoriuos for finding things they shouldn't matter how hard we try to make sure things are out of the way...also that way when he "performs" you will be there to make a big fuss of him....i found using a certain phrase over and over encouraged Butty to go and now when i open the door and let her out and say the phrase she performs immediately...this can be a godsend when it's pouring with rain ;)


Have to agree with Gilly - a phrase used only for going to the loo is a sure fire way of getting them to go when you want them to go. They know what you want them to do and if you need them to go pee quick they'll go do it instead of farting about the garden! I've always said 'quick quick' and it does the trick - especially if like Gilly says it's tipping with rain etc.                    

Mmmmm....I have a phrase when I want Lottie to go but when it's raining she takes one look outside the backdoor and she just turns straight back in >:( ::)                    

Taliskas getting pretty good at going in the garden and we don't have many accidents - unless its raining, he goes out takes one look and promptly comes back in and wees on the floor... ::)

We had him in July and I guess it hasn't rained much so hes just not used to it, will have to be cruel and go out and shut the door next time until he does the bus!!                    


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