Cocker Specific Discussion > General Cocker Spaniel Discussion

New Puppy

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Didn't know under what forum to post this so I'll do it here. Maybe there should be a forum for new arrivals!

Anyway, as you can gather from the subject, we are the proud parents of a new puppy! We had a phone call on Friday from a breeder saying that someone had ordered a puppy from her, but when she rang up to say it was ready apparently the other people had already got another dog from someone else. Still, their lose, our gain.

Our puppy is nine weeks old, jet black, and completely fearless. His name's Brin, he already had a name when we got him and its a bit mean to change it. His mum was eye tested which was our concern, has an impressive pedegree, and comes from a good breeder. We got him Saturday, a bit sooner than our puppy plans had intended so it was a bit of a panic to get everything for him. There wasn't much sleep to be had Saturday night but last night he was a lot better. We've started toilet training him outside and I think he's getting the hang of it although this maybe more luck than judgement (and there's not much co-operation at 1.30 in the morning!). Yesterday we started to crate train him and tonight we're going to try a collar. So that'll be GCSE French by the end of the week!

Anyway thanks for all your support with our pre-puppy questions and especially thanks to Jane for her advise. I'm sure there'll be a shed load of post-puppy questions to come!


Hi Phil - and congratulations  :mrgreen:

I would think that if you did want to change the pups name, now is the time to do it. I shouldnt imagine it would cause much of a problem at this early stage.

Good luck with all the training, dont forget to make good use of our FAQ section, and anything else you need to know, ask away  :wink:                    

Congratulations on your new puppy Phil  :lol:  :lol: And as Mike has said ask as many questions as you like as that's why we are all here  :wink:

A friend of mine changed her dogs name from Katie to Kaylie, it didn't take her long to answer to her new name although that is probably because they sound so similar.                    

Congrats on your new puppy, I'm sure he will give you hours of love and trouble. (only joking)                    

Congratulations on your new arrival, it's so exciting when you first get them, even though you have sleepless nights.
Lots of happy days together. :D                    


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