Cocker Activities > Other Activities

starting agility

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Hi Gertie :D, as kate2 has said the most important things to have established before starting agility classes are a solid wait and a solid recall. If your dog has those and can stay focussed on you that will be a really good starting point.

If you're hoping to compete in future please make sure that the club/class you're joining is aimed at people who compete. There are lots of fun agility classes around, nothing wrong with that, but the standard of training is likely to be lower than you'll need for competition and may even teach bad habits that you'd have to unlearn before competing.

Be warned, it's addictive. I used to compete with William but had to stop almost 6 years ago when he developed a back problem. I was heartbroken because we had a great time and it forged a really strong bond between us. William was very focussed on me and could read my body language with a glance, which was really useful for me as I can't run fast and had to rely on him recognising my shoulder turns, hand signals and verbal cues so that I could send him on over obstacles while I took a short cut to the next part of the course. When it works it's like magic and Will and I had the best time :luv:


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