Cocker Activities > Working

My little hero


Deb H:
I know technically George is only part working cocker but I thought I would share ;). I took him to the livery yard where i keep my dobbin for the first time yesterday and took him out for a walk in the fields, let him off nose straight to ground followed a scent and hey presto flushed out two pheasants. Boy was he pleased with himself, I was pretty cheffed with him too. Hmm maybe......


--- Quote from: Deb H on February 11, 2007, 09:24:00 AM ---I know technically George is only part working cocker but I thought I would share ;). I took him to the livery yard where i keep my dobbin for the first time yesterday and took him out for a walk in the fields, let him off nose straight to ground followed a scent and hey presto flushed out two pheasants. Boy was he pleased with himself, I was pretty cheffed with him too. Hmm maybe......

--- End quote ---

clever lad :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv:  don't they just strut after they've done proud of themselves....doesn't matter if he doesn't have any working cocker in him, he was still doing the gundog thing :luv:

That's how these things get started  :005:

Well done, George!

Good on George. Well done boy.  :D


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