Cocker Specific Discussion > Behaviour & Training

Trainer recommendations or any other ideas

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Harry has just finished puppy class for 8 weeks they were very good, sure if they do one to one. Both Kennel Club approved schemes.
Only other thing I take Harry to a play group sometime.  One man reccommended Bark Busters a lady ...while her page mentions just the coast area - there is a review for Neston so she might travel.

Only other thing I am sure if you phone vets practice they may have some names.
Years ago I had a westie who became really challenging and vet put me in touch with a retired dog trainer. So worth a try.

A friend with a spaniel has recommended a trainer/behaviourist so he’s coming out to meet with me and Astrid this week. Hopefully he can help.

Many thanks all for your suggestions.

That’s good, - please keep us posted, it would be interesting to hear what he recommends!

That sounds hopeful, will be keeping fingers and toes crossed that all goes well  :luv:

I’ve had my first session this morning and the chap seems to talk a lot of sense. He brought two stooge dogs with him and we worked on a few things. He said her behaviour is excitement with a hint of nervousness and she’s learnt to bark as she isn’t sure what else to do. Things he has suggested:

Binning her harness and using a slip lead instead
Stop over thinking everything as my instincts are generally good
Carry on walking towards other dogs only if there is no reaction ( so turn around and walk in other direction then try again, rinse and repeat)
Work at a distance to other dogs first then move closer as she becomes confident over the weeks

He wants me to practice for 2 weeks and then we’re meeting again. I’m feeling better about it generally so I’ll see how it goes.

I’ve never used a slip lead before as never been sure about them but it seems a lot of people on here use them.


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