Cocker Specific Discussion > General Cocker Spaniel Discussion

Enforced seperation

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Hey mate, just seen this post about you being poorly. So glad you are on the mend and nurse maid Eze is taking extra special care of her dad. Can not think of anything worse than having to stay indoors in the winter when the wind is howling, the rain is lashing down turning the six foot of laying snow into mush, when you could be outside with your best mate and a couple of pheasants in hand.
I too have had a serious mishap, snapped my beating stick.  :shades:  :005: best wishes

Awww Ian, good to hear you are still improving and hope you feel like your old self real soon


Thanks min and cazza 👍

Had a lung function test couple of weeks ago and the results were "acceptable" so it seems that we are out of the woods for now although someone should have told my body because it's fare to say that I don't feel 100%,yet ...having said that I am feeling well enough to do my syndicate days every few weeks and I hope to do a few days beating if possible.....
For those interested I contracted a very rare condition "acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis" to be more exact "aspergillosis" it was caused by the inhalation of fungus spores, I am fairly sure that I contracted it during a syndicate work day in one of our be careful out there...we remain hopeful that the medication (massive steroid doses) has fixed it and that there is no lasting damage to the lungs although I don't feel fully fixed yet 🙄 all of your best wishes have meant a lot to me during my recovery so I thank you all sincerely 👍

Good gracious!! Its good that they managed to diagnose it properly, despite it being so rare, you‘ve obviously been in good  hands. I can imagine that your body isn‘t just coping with the physical effects of the illness, you‘ve undoubtedly taken a knock psychologically too, its a big shock to suddenly be confronted with a life threatening condition and the effects of that alone  shouldn‘t be underestimated.
Be patient with yourself, take each day at a time and, as we advocate when we‘re training pur pups, celebrate the progress on the good days and ignore the occasional backward step!  ;) It must be good to be out and about again though, even if somewhat limited.
(As Humph‘s physiotherapist said yesterday) , this time next year, it’ll hopefully all be forgotten!
Take care and keep us posted!  :luv:


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