Cocker Specific Discussion > Genetics & Breeding


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Jo W:
Why do bitches generally travel to (stud) dogs?  Wouldn't it make it easier and, possibly, more successful if the bitch was in her own home and didn't have to travel afterwards  :- :-                    

mm interesting, funny but mums yorkie years ago went to stud dog...I know cos I was in the other room when I heard her squeal  ;D  seriously though...I wonder why that is..                    

Sue H:
When my Dad had his lab bitch mated, she had to go to the dog, and it always seems to be carried out in, shall we say, less than romantic surroundings.....  I was talking to a friend the other day who said her Mum's boxer was going to a dog to be mated, and that the dog's KC name was Love in a Field - she said her Mum pessimistically said 'I suppose we'll have to call ours Sh*g in a Shed'  :o :o  ooooh Mum !                    

rotf  ;D                    

I think the main reason is that it is his home territory so he should feel more relaxed and be able to "perform"  ;)  ::)  Also if the Bitches owner has more than one dog/bitch it might put him off going to her house so to speak.


Dessie  ;D                    


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