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Free photo editing software


I fancy trying something new - so an looking for recommendations for free photo-editing software; what do you like about it, what have you tried but didn't like - what can't you live without ?

I use Kodak Easyshare atm; I have tried Picasa from Google, but didn't really get on with it - I might try again, though  ;)

I use Picasa and find it quite easy - I don't do anything very complicated though  :005:

Jane S:
The Gimp is pretty good & completely free :blink: It can do some quite sophisticated editing once you learn all the ins and outs (I have it as a back up to PSP)

I use InfranView - Free download  ;)

if you use googles picasa first of all to do the basics (pretty easy as everything is automatic) and then use infraview to change more complicated things like dpi etc you can edit your photo's quite well.  I use a combination of several programs but if its something professional then its photoshop which although not free is a good investment.


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