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Cocker Specific Discussion => General Cocker Spaniel Discussion => Topic started by: sarahR on January 06, 2012, 05:21:56 PM

Title: Yippee after 7 Days she finally comes for a walk
Post by: sarahR on January 06, 2012, 05:21:56 PM
with ME. :D
Rob my oh is unable to walk the dogs at the mo as he is unwell due to a hiccup in his medication that he has for Myasthenia Gravis. He is retired and home all day and I work part time although not this week. He has always been Ozzie's number 1 person although she and George do come to training class with me and he stays at home and she is fine there.
For the last 7 days she has refused point blank to come for a walk with me and other Cocker George. She gets all excited has her lead on steps out the door with us and as soon as she realises Dad isn't there she lies down and refuses to budge. I have tried treats, praise and encouragement, moaning and sitting it out to no avail. Even when we went out in the car to her favourite place as soon as we got into the field and she realised Dad was missing she lay down. It then rained for 10mins and she would not budge. George who is only a one year old pupster has amazing patience. George and I have had to come back from 3 steps away from the front door ( Some one I knew walked past us on the way to the local shop and passed us coming back and we hadn't budged an inch) after waiting ten minutes in the wind and leave her at home so he has a walk three times a day.
Yesterday I met with a friend and  her dog. A one hour walk  took two hours as the first half took one and half hours as Ozzie kept sitting down and after waiting 10 mins  encouraging her I would pick her up and carry her about 100yards. She would then walk for a while quite happily sniffing running around etc until she looked over her shoulder for some one. When we got to the bridge which is half way round the  circular walk and head off back to the car she doesn't stop once and is quite happy.
Anyway this morning on  our morning walk which starts from the house OH says see you in 5 minutes and she came all the way round without lying down once with just George and myself. Tail wagging happily. This afternoon we went out with the said friend again and she only stopped once and that was to sit on a bench which is where she stops with Rob and George.
So am really pleased but she is so stubborn  >:D.

Title: Re: Yippee after 7 Days she finally comes for a walk
Post by: dizzytrish on January 06, 2012, 07:24:03 PM
Hi Sarah.

Your little Ozzie being stubborn??, Never!! :luv:

It's not nice to know your not number one in their lives, but George loves you!!

hugs to Rob (Keith lol!) hope he feels better soon!

take care, and keep up the good work
Trish and the gang!
Title: Re: Yippee after 7 Days she finally comes for a walk
Post by: Darwin on January 07, 2012, 04:17:34 PM
Darwin (he's nearly 3yrs) can be stubborn and try to refuse to walk.   I always walk Darwin in the week and does the walks OH at weekend and mostly over the xmas hols.  Over the holiday Darwin was really pestering Oh for walks.  He was the chosen one, makes me realize how much Darwin misses OH.  When OH is away aboard (he is at the moment) or just away for a one off night during the week. Darwin is likely to start to play up and go on strike.  I always feel so embarrassed and try everything apart from giving him a treat.  One of our local postmen will stop his van and laugh at us , make a fuss of Darwin, but even that doesn't work.   After a while Darwin will realize he's not going to win and agree to start walking again.   Dread to think what Darwin going to be like when he old.
Title: Re: Yippee after 7 Days she finally comes for a walk
Post by: black taz on January 07, 2012, 06:24:55 PM
my collie cross was like that, only walked well for me really.  i had a slipped disc about 3 years ago and she went about 2 months with hardly a decent walk (she was 11 though so not really a problem for her)
Title: Re: Yippee after 7 Days she finally comes for a walk
Post by: Sarah.H on January 07, 2012, 06:28:46 PM
Good girl Ozzie  :clapping: :clapping:. Sarah you have the patience of a saint!

Millie will go with anyone, couldn't care less whether I'm there  :005: :005:
Title: Re: Yippee after 7 Days she finally comes for a walk
Post by: SteveB on January 11, 2012, 10:56:25 AM
Many many moons ago when I was a lad (9 or 10 years of age) we lived in a rural area. We had a boxer who was 2 years younger than me. She was really protective. My uncles (grandparents brought me up) used to pretend to hit me and she used to go nuts. She used to sleep along side me and follow me everywhere around the house. She used to go out twice a day with my grandfather and during holidays and weekends with me in tow. That dog would let me put a lead on her and walk her with my grandfather. If i tried to do it while he was in work she would walk good as gold through the gate and then sit down. No matter how much cajoling with treats etc she would never go any further and she remained the same until she died at 15. My uncles had the same problem with her the only time she would go with them is if they took her in the car.